
EmergencyList is a web-based system, utilising the hospital’s existing networks and PCs running standard web browser software (Internet Explorer versions 8+). The system uses PHP and MS SQL Server and is usually set to run on its own dedicated virtual server for reasons of stability, security and maintainability, although it will happily run in a shared environment.

  • Windows Server 2016

  • SQL Server 2016 or newer

  • PHP 5.5-5.7

  • Remote Access solution (either via hospital VPN or LogMeIn, etc)

  • 2 vCPUs

  • 4GB RAM (pref 8Gb)

  • 40GB System Disk (more if database is hosted on same machine as the application)

Accent will require remote access to this server to setup and maintain the software. This can be achieved through a simple remote login system such as TeamViewer or similar. It will be up to hospital’s IT department to ensure that appropriate security and backup systems are in place.

No other specific hardware is required, but theatre staff may prefer to have large screens available to view upcoming cases within theatre areas. EmergencyList is designed to work with touch-screen technology, so that cases can be viewed and re-prioritised without the need for a keyboard or mouse.

System Configuration & Integration

Included in the basic purchase price is configuration of the system for the hospital’s specific setup, this includes theatres, working hours, urgency ratings, warning messages, user privileges and integration with the hospitals existing Active Directory system for user authentication. This is all that is required for the system to run as a standalone application, but further integration, specifically for the lookup of patient details is recommended.

Integration with the hospitals patient admin system (PAS), pathology system for test results, or other hospital systems is not included in the purchase price. The time required for this integration is almost entirely dependent on the PAS/PMI/Integration Engine in place and the level of cooperation received from the IT department.

User Authentication
Integration into the hospital’s Active Directory (AD) system is required so that separate login to the system is not necessary and correct user roles can be assessed, based on the AD group(s) that users appear in. It may be possible to use existing AD groups, or new groups could be setup and preferably administered by the administrator of the EmergencyList system. Once the AD groups are set up, EmergencyList can be configured to use these groups through its configuration interface.

Patient Lookup
Integration to the hospital’s Patient Admin System is required to lookup basic patient details from their hospital or NHS number. This is not mandatory but will save re-keying of data and reduce potential for errors. Rather than having direct access to the PAS system, this is preferably done through the hospital’s PMI or integration engine - a central database with controlled access to hospital data. If the PMI or integration engine is already in place, with appropriate stored procedures to call, then integration could be complete and tested in one day.

Direct access to a patient’s test results is a very useful addition to the EmergencyList system and can be achieved, either through access directly to the pathology system or via the hospital’s integration engine. Costs for this integration are very much dependent on the pathology system in place. Integration should preferably be left until successful integration of the system with the PAS has been achieved and use of the system has settled.

EmergencyList has not currently been integrated with any radiology systems, but we would be happy to discuss this with your IT department if required.

System Customisation

Accent Design Group will be happy to create an online demo version of EmergencyList for your organisation in order to try out the system and make sure that it fits requirements. Accent will also be happy to discuss amendments to the EmergencyList system in order to tailor it to specific needs. We may be happy to include updates that we consider will enhance the system and can be rolled out to all users, but would charge for development required for a specific setup. Development costs for this work would be quoted and agreement of specifications and costs would be required before any work is carried out.

Staff Training

EmergencyList has a very intuitive interface and should require very little staff training. We recommend that Accent talks through the complete system with 2 or 3 key staff, who can then cascade this information to all staff who will use the system.

Going Live

Ideally, EmergencyList should be run in parallel with the current booking system for a few days, but we understand that this is often difficult. In reality, after the system has been thoroughly tested and all staff have received relevant training and due warning of the changeover, the system can be deployed at an agreed point in time, preferably a Monday morning handover.